Synopsis #
Uses the Bresenham line algorithm to draw a line starting at (x1,y1) ending at (x2,y2) with a specified RGB 565 color.
Source code #
void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned short color) {
signed char ix;
signed char iy;
// if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2, then it does not matter what we set here
int delta_x = (x2 > x1?(ix = 1, x2 - x1):(ix = -1, x1 - x2)) << 1;
int delta_y = (y2 > y1?(iy = 1, y2 - y1):(iy = -1, y1 - y2)) << 1;
plot(x1, y1, color);
if (delta_x >= delta_y) {
int error = delta_y - (delta_x >> 1); // error may go below zero
while (x1 != x2) {
if (error >= 0) {
if (error || (ix > 0)) {
y1 += iy;
error -= delta_x;
} // else do nothing
} // else do nothing
x1 += ix;
error += delta_y;
plot(x1, y1, color);
} else {
int error = delta_x - (delta_y >> 1); // error may go below zero
while (y1 != y2) {
if (error >= 0) {
if (error || (iy > 0)) {
x1 += ix;
error -= delta_y;
} // else do nothing
} // else do nothing
y1 += iy;
error += delta_x;
plot(x1, y1, color);
Inputs #
x1 - X coordinate of the start of the line.
y1 - Y coordinate of the start of the line.
x2 - X coordinate of the end of the line.
y2 - Y coordinate of the end of the line.
color - The color of the line.
Notes #
This function requires the plot function.
Comments #
Function was originally written by Christopher “Kerm Martian” Mitchell.