
Synopsis #

Draws a sprite with a mask color, with an additional alpha mask, which is consistent throughout the whole rendering of the sprite. Draws to Video RAM (VRAM).

Declaration #

#include <fxcg/display.h>

void CopySpriteMaskedAlpha(const void*datar, int x, int y, int width, int height, color_t maskcolor, int alpha) { 
   color_t*data = (color_t*) datar; 
   color_t* VRAM = (color_t*)GetVRAMAddress(); 
   VRAM += LCD_WIDTH_PX*y + x; 
   alpha %= 32; 
   for(int j=y; j<y+height; j++) { 
      for(int i=x; i<x+width;  i++) { 
         if (*(data) != maskcolor) { 
         *(VRAM) = (color_t)((((int)(*data & 0xf81f) * alpha + (int)(*VRAM & 0xf81f) * (32-alpha) + 0x8010) >> 5) & 0xf81f) | 
                (color_t)((((int)(*data & 0x07e0) * alpha + (int)(*VRAM & 0x07e0) * (32-alpha) + 0x0400) >> 6) & 0x07e0); 
           VRAM++; data++; 
         } else { VRAM++; data++; } 
      VRAM += LCD_WIDTH_PX-width; 

Inputs #

const void*datar: pointer to sprite data

int x, int y: Video RAM position to draw to

int width, int height: width and height of the sprite

color_t maskcolor: color not to be rendered (masked off)

int alpha: amount of alpha transparency to be applied, from 0-32; 32 is opaque, 0 is entirely transparent.

Outputs #


Comments #

The sprite drawn is not clipped at the edges of Video RAM.