Synopsis #
Header: fxcg/display.h
Syscall index: 0x0C01
Function signature: void AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(int msgno)
Displays one of the built-in error messages of the OS. The message is shown inside a message box, with the “Press:[EXIT]” message, and the keyboard input is handled by the syscall, which returns when the user closes the message box. The message is shown in the currently set system language.
Parameters #
- msgno - number of the message to show. See a list of messages, in English, below.
msgno | Message Shown (English, “fx-CG10/20 Manager” emulator w/ OS 1.02) |
1 | “Break” |
2 | “Syntax ERROR” |
3 | “Ma ERROR” |
4 | “Memory ERROR” |
5 | “Go ERROR” |
6 | “Nesting ERROR” |
7 | “Stack ERROR” |
8 | “Argument ERROR” |
9 | “Dimension ERROR” |
10 | “Com ERROR” |
11 | “Transmit ERROR” |
12 | “Receive ERROR” |
13 | “Memory Full” |
14 | “Undefined” |
15 | “Overflow ERROR” |
16 | “Out of Domain” |
17 | “Non-Real ERROR” |
18 | “No Solution” |
19 | “Mismatch” |
20 | “No Variable” |
21 | “Not Found” |
22 | “Application ERROR” |
23 | “System ERROR” |
24 | “Already Exists” |
25 | “Complex Number”, “In List” |
26 | “Complex Number”, “In Matrix” |
27 | “Can’t Solve!”, “Adjust initial”, “value or bounds.”, “Then try again.” |
28 | “Range ERROR” |
29 | “Time Out” |
30 | “Condition ERROR” |
31 | “Syntax ERROR” |
32 | “Syntax ERROR” |
33 | “Range ERROR” |
34 | “Circular ERROR” |
35 | “No Real Roots” |
36 | “Version ERROR” |
37 | “Card ERROR” |
38 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[38]” |
39 | “Invalid Card” |
40 | “No Card” |
41 | “SD Card Full” |
42 | “Storage Memory”, “Full” |
43 | “Data ERROR” |
44 | “Invalid file name”, “or folder name.” |
45 | “Data is protected” |
46 | “Too Many Data” |
47 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[47]” |
48 | “Conversion ERROR” |
49 | “Can’t Simplify” |
50 | “Invalid Data Size” |
51 | “Invalid”, “Data Number” |
52 | “Complex Number”, “In Data” |
53 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[53]” |
54 | “Too Many”, “Variables” |
55 | “Expression”, “in use” |
56 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[56]” |
57 | “No Memo” |
58 | “USB Connect”, “ERROR” |
59 | “Only one memo”, “allowed”, “per line.” |
60 | “CSV error”, “in row”, “column” |
61 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[61]” |
62 | “Invalid Type” |
63 | “Invalid list”, “or matrix” |
64 | “Input value”, “must be integer” |
65 | “Input value”, “must be matrix” |
66 | “Input value”, “must be list” |
67 | “Input value”, “must be”, “real number” |
68 | “Invalid Polar”, “Form” |
69 | “Invalid Setting” |
70 | “Infinitely”, “Many Solutions” |
71 | “No item”, “is selected” |
72 | “No File” |
73 | “Too many”, “path levels” |
74 | “Finish Plotting” |
75 | “Out of Range” |
76 | “Wrong”, “argument size”, “relationship” |
77 | “No Data” |
78 | “Improper Number”, “of Elements” |
79 | “Not Enough”, “Elements” |
80 | “Underflow” |
81 | “Draw at least”, “two points” |
82 | “Create filled-in”, “figure” |
83 | “Requires”, “one variable”, “expression.” |
84 | “Value outside of”, “V-Window range”, “can’t be updated.” |
85 | “Invalid”, “Graph Type” |
86 | “Too Many Sectors” |
87 | “Data is in use” |
88 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[88]” |
89 | “Complex Number”, “In Vector” |
90 | “Complex Number”, “In Matrix or”, “Vector” |
91 | “Invalid list,”, “matrix or vector” |
92 | “Input value”, “must be a vector” |
93 | “Input value”, “must be a matrix”, “or vector” |
94 | "" |
msgno>95 | “Undefinition”, “Error”, “Error No[msgno]” |