
Synopsis #

Header: fxcg/display.h
Syscall index: 0x0276
Function signature: void Bdisp_Fill_DD(int color, int mode)

Fills different areas of the display with specified color, depending on mode. This function is in effect a wrapper around DirectDrawRectangle (see annotated disassembly below)

Parameters #

  • int color - color to fill the VRAM with
  • int mode - area of the VRAM to fill. If mode=1 draw a rectangle (6,24) to (389,215). If mode=2 the rectangle is drawn from (6,24) to (389,190). If mode=3 then the rectangle is drawn from (6,0) to (389,215) If mode=4 the rectangle appears to be drawn from (0,0) to (479,319). If any other value return from the function.

Annotated disassembly #

! =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================

Bdisp_Fill_DD:              ! CODE XREF: sub_8004C836+AA�p
! sub_8004C836+B2�p ...
        sts.l   pr, @-r15
        extu.b  r5, r0
        cmp/eq  #1, r0
        bt/s    loc_80053C44    ! Branch if mode=1
        mov r4, r1      ! Copy color into r1
        cmp/eq  #2, r0
        bt  loc_80053C4A    ! Branch if mode=2
        cmp/eq  #3, r0
        bt  loc_80053C56    ! Branch if mode=3
        cmp/eq  #4, r0
        bt  loc_80053C88    ! Branch if mode=4
        bra loc_80053C98    ! Default case do nothing
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_80053C44:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+6�j
        mov #6, r4
        bra loc_80053C5A
        mov #24, r5
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_80053C4A:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+C�j
        mov #0xFFFFFFBE, r7 ! y2
        mov #6, r4      ! x1
        extu.b  r7, r7      ! r7=0xBE 0xBE=190
        mov.w   #389, r6    ! x2
        bra loc_80053C90
        mov #24, r5     ! y1
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_80053C56:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+10�j
        mov #6, r4      ! x1
        mov #0, r5      ! y1

loc_80053C5A:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+1C�j
        mov #0xFFFFFFD7, r7 ! y2
        mov.w   #389, r6    ! x2
        bra loc_80053C90
        extu.b  r7, r7      ! r7=0xD7 0xD7=215
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
!Table of constants removed
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_80053C88:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+14�j
        mov #0, r4      ! x1=0
        mov.w   #479, r6    ! x2
        mov.w   #319, r7    ! y2
        mov r4, r5      ! x1=y1=0

loc_80053C90:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+28�j
! Bdisp_Fill_DD+34�j
        extu.w  r1, r2      ! Zero extend color
        bsr DirectDrawRectangle
        mov.l   r2, @-r15   ! Pass color on the stack (note the delay slot this is executed before the branch)
        add #4, r15

loc_80053C98:               ! CODE XREF: Bdisp_Fill_DD+16�j
        lds.l   @r15+, pr
! End of function Bdisp_Fill_DD